• Have you seen a diminished quality of life due to the treatment of a long-term illness?
  • Are you or your loved one experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety, and new forms of depression while dealing with a long-term illness?
  • Are you open to adding natural treatments to alleviate undesirable symptoms?

What can help with the stress of end-of-life issues?

Patients may experience high levels of emotional stress and anxiety as they deal with end-of-life issues.  Even though patients are no longer searching for a cure, they can still benefit from compassionate care therapies. Many patients and their loved ones have found that Complementary Therapies help ease their discomfort.

What does Complementary Therapies mean?

The name Complementary Therapy came from the physicians and nurses who found that certain services were a perfect complement to traditional medical treatments.  The Complementary Therapy team is made up of certified therapists and licensed practitioners who offer emotional support and special attention to both the mind and body. 

Recent studies have shown that Complementary Therapies reduce back pain, edema, headaches, and respiratory issues. They also reduce stress and anxiety, decrease depression, and increase oxygen absorption, helping patients feel more comfortable and relaxed.

What kinds of complementary therapies are there?

Different hospice organizations offer different therapies. At Nathan Adelson Hospice, the extraordinary Bonnie Schreck Memorial Complementary Therapies Program includes a wide array of offerings:


Aromatherapy – Essential oils, distilled from selected plant materials, can influence the body in many ways. This therapy is used to benefit the patient and family physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.


Massage Therapy – Massage is a therapeutic art that relieves stress, headaches, backaches, fatigue, and restlessness.  


Reflexology – Reflexology uses a series of specific techniques to work on the nerves that travel throughout the body, improving circulation to muscles, organs, and glands, often relieving the discomfort of acute symptoms.


Reiki - To promote a state of deep relaxation, many patients take advantage of Reiki, a specialized therapy in brings tranquility and comfort to the recipient. 


Guided Imagery -  A guided meditation performed by a Clinical Hypnotherapist brings comfort by guiding patients in a dream-like journey which can help release anxiety, fears, resentments; as well as teaching patients techniques to reduce the effects of their symptoms to improve their overall well-being.


Art Therapy- Art Therapy is used to help address unresolved emotional issues. The patient does not need to have any artistic ability to participate.  


Pet Therapy – Spending time with a friendly dog can lift depression, lower blood pressure and respiratory rates, and bring comfort. NAH has certified therapy dogs that bring great joy during their visits to our patients and their families.


Am I doing the right thing? 

The fact that you are exploring hospice is a positive sign. It means you are considering what would be best for a terminally-ill person and their family. For answers to your questions, additional information, or to discuss a hospice referral, call the Nathan Adelson Hospice admission team at 702.733.0320. 


We can be your trusted partner

The philosophy of Nathan Adelson Hospice is to provide support and care so that people with a life-limiting illness may live as fully and comfortably as possible. We do all we can to make sure that no one in our care ends the journey of life alone, afraid or in pain.