We are honored to participate in the Before I Die ... Wall project as part of our National Hospice Month observance.

The Before I Die ... Wall is a project that has drawn awareness to the end-of-life conversation in 78 countries and 36 languages. 

This global participatory public art project reimagines our relationship with death and with one another. The original wall was created on an abandoned building in New Orleans by artist Candy Chang after the death of someone she loved. Each wall is created by local residents who want to make a space in their community to restore perspective and share more with one another. Each wall is a tribute to living an examined life.

Downtown Summerlin hosted the Wall from November 4th to November 10th.  The Wall moved to UNLV outside the Student Union for the day onNovember 19th.

Some of the local residents that helped bring the Wall to our community are Chris Haase and his team at Burnett Haase,  the folks at Downtown Summerlin, UNLV and of course, our volunteers who helped paint and stencil the wall. We can’t thank them enough for having the vision to help bring this powerful art project to fruition. 

We know that beginning the discussion about end of life isn’t easy. But it is important.

We also need to bring awareness to how we live that life. Time is precious and this project helps us take a moment to focus on exactly what matters to each of us. It is our hope that everyone that writes on this wall will truly think about what they want to accomplish and how they will accomplish it.